What supplies do I need to buy for my new puppy?
What supplies do I need for a new puppy?
"So, what products do you recommend?" I hear it almost every day, from puppy food to crates, from playpens to grooming tools these are the tried and tested products that will help you raise your puppy with the least amount of fuss over products that don’t perform as you need them to!
While written with small breeds as the primary focus, the tips apply to puppies of all sizes. As for product recommendations, Amazon and Chewy make it easy to size up or down as needed; for example, to accommodate a Cavachon, you will want an overnight crate size of about 24” in length for the average 5 to 8-pound puppy of that breed.
If you have a Golden Retriever puppy who is weighing in at 16 pounds, you’ll want that overnight crate to be roomier, keeping in mind that as your large breed puppy grows, you will need to replace the puppy-sized crate for a larger one or buy a crate with a divider to allow it to grow with your puppy.
If you have a Bernedoodle or a Golden Retriever puppy, 36” to 40” long makes more sense. Keep in mind that within reason, too large is better than too small, though if your kennel is really enormous, it can result in giving your puppy the option to potty at one end and sleep at the other. If your little hoodlum tries that strategy, moving temporally down to a smaller size kennel is the best fix.
The average trip to the local pet emporium can be mind-boggling. New puppy owners often have a long list of what they think they need for their new puppy. Yet they come home only to find they've forgotten some of the most essential items or, worse yet, spent a small fortune and ended up with a host of wrong or ineffective products in place of what they really needed. Here is a comprehensive list of low and higher-budget items, all of which will make life with your new puppy a doggone delight!
Disclaimer: I’ve put together this resource to make shopping for your new puppy as easy-peasy as possible. The blog receives a small fee for each purchase (thank you!) It doesn’t increase product prices but does help support the blog and the thousands of hours I’ve poured into it : ) If you’ve purchased a copy of the eBook, keep in mind that I’m updating all the time, you have free access forever, check back for new chapters and helps for living a happy life and (almost) stress-free life with your new puppy.
Keep in mind, that you can pick and choose to a certain extent; but having the right tools in your hands from the very beginning of your journey as a new puppy owner will save you hours of time and much trouble retracing your steps back to the most family-friendly, practical, and effective puppy products on the market today.
Does my dog need really need vitamins?
As a dog breeder who has spent decades and sometimes heartbreaking trial and error learning how to keep her dogs healthy, I can bore you to tears with all the reasons why I believe every dog needs at least two basic supplements; a food source multivitamin and a high potency probiotic. In fact, I feel so strongly about it that our 5-year health guarantee is void if my puppy's parents neglect this vital step in pet care.
Suffice it to say here that regardless of what even the best glitzy dog food package says about containing probiotics and “everything your pet needs to stay healthy,” I beg to disagree. The probiotics that are sprayed on your dog's dry kibble sound like a nice touch but will fail dismally to provide any reasonable amount of quality bacteria for your pet’s gut health.
In addition, the vitamins included in virtually every dry dog food on the market are mass-produced and typically chemically derived. I will make it easy for you; after searching for more years than I like to count, I have landed on these two basic supplements that go home with every puppy we place.
NuVet Plus Pet Multi-Vitamin
NuVet Plus, Yes, I make a small amount when you purchase but I'm a devoted fan of this product, I know it works to help offset the toxic world most puppies and dogs live in. From monthly flea preps to too many vaccines, this product is daily health insurance for your dog. Once a day and a delicious chewable vitamin/herbal supplement, our puppies are raised on it; food source (not synthetic) and fabulous! Order HERE with Coupon Code 11982 for 15% off with Auto-Ship.
Ultimate 10+ Probiotics are so important for your puppy and for that matter, for adult dogs and people too. You might look at this brand and shout “those are PEOPLE probiotics!” and you’re right. Probiotic strains and potency of the product are what’s important, unfortunately, most products labeled for dogs are pitifully low in CFUs (those all-important colony forming units) and contain strains I try to avoid like Enterococcus faecium which can cause problems for the humans who handle them, eek! Not only are people probiotics better for your pet, but they also are almost always more potent, fresher, and do a better job of removing tear stains, resolving loose stool, and most importantly, building a healthy immune system in your puppy.
My Favorite Puppy Food
A most excellent new formula from Instinct is at the top of my list of the most healthy foods for your puppy. You can thank the Puppy Diva for doing the legwork for you in ferreting out the most nutritious foods available for your puppy or grown-up dog, too.
Finding the best food for your pet is not as simple as it seems. Just walk into your local pet emporium and have a look at the row upon row of shiny bags of dog foods, all claiming to be the latest and greatest food you can buy; I promise your head will start spinning after reading a half-dozen labels and trying to decipher what option is truly the most nourishing for your pet.
Sadly, dozens of ingredients are not only suspect nutritionally but, more alarmingly, ingredients like pea proteins and sweet potatoes abound in almost all popular dry foods despite having been linked to an alarming jump in heart disease and DCM in dogs that consume them (I’ll discuss this further below).
The jury is still out on exactly what ingredients are causing heart disease in dogs, but for the time being, I am avoiding peas, legumes, and sweet potatoes both in what I feed and recommend. The theory is that these seemingly safe ingredients bind with Taurine in the body and cause a dangerous deficiency in this mineral essential for heart health.
Trying to find the best puppy food for their new puppy is perhaps the most confusing search the new puppy parent will make. If you walk through the average pet store, you'll be confronted with literally hundreds of varieties of dog and puppy foods. Unless you are well versed in pet nutrition use great caution in making that choice without some good advice along the way.
Once a puppy is past potty training, I like to use a combination of human food liberally added to a great-quality kibble for a 20-pound dog; I’d use a teaspoon of our scrambled eggs from breakfast, a tablespoon of roast beef from dinner, broccoli, cauliflower, and even a teaspoon of Keifir as a wonderful way to increase the nutritional value of basic kibble.
Of course, during potty training, you’ll want to stick with just puppy food and a few daily treats (listed below) to avoid tummy upset; after that season, though, slowly begin to introduce other real foods and have a healthier and, yes,, happier dog in the long term. How would you like to eat ONLY what comes in a boring bag for the rest of your life? My puppies and adult dogs adore their baby carrots; for example, I keep a bag in the fridge for healthy snacks that are especially good for teething puppies and satisfying the urge to chew.
Note: Please don’t look for grain-free options; the FDA sent out alarming reports of dilated cardiomyopathy heart disease in large numbers in breeds where heart disease is uncommon, such as Golden Retrievers. Studies are ongoing, but suspected causes include the lack of Taurine and the inclusion of cheap legumes and pea proteins in many of the grain-free dog foods, as well as a good number of grain-inclusive products.
I reached out to the top nutritionist at Instinct and was pleased with the science behind the food; it includes healthy grains, no pea proteins or potatoes, and high levels of naturally occurring (not synthetic) vitamins, including Taurine from the high percentage of meat in this brand of dog food. Personally, I suspect many dogs are now deficient in Taurine if they have been eating a grain-free diet for years.
Canned Puppy Food (Only if you must)
I reluctantly include an option for canned food in puppy diet options; I say reluctantly because most dogs are far better off never knowing dog food comes in cans.
I would rather see scrambled eggs, a bit of lean sauteed ground beef, or a bite of boiled chicken added to a puppy's food to encourage appetite. While canned foods might seem convenient, many puppies quickly develop a preference for what comes out of a can, which isn't good for their teeth, and I suspect their digestion, either.
Remember, it’s almost certain when canned food is added too suddenly to a puppy’s diet, she can develop loose stool, not something you want in the midst of house training 😬
On the other hand, if you have a toy breed puppy or a puppy prone to spikes and drops in blood sugar; a Maltese or Yorkie for example, having a few cans of puppy food on hand isn't a bad idea. Sometimes it's the only way to get a finicky puppy to eat but proceed with caution, add just a teaspoon at a time and only if you must.
Which crate is best for house training my puppy?
The first thing you'll need for that new puppy? A crate for overnight sleeping quarters. There are dozens of versions available. The big question most pet owners struggle with is, should you get a wire or plastic crate?
Wire Puppy Crate
Midwest iCrate with double doors & divider
Wire crates are moderately priced and a good value, with a size for the smallest to the largest breed puppy. The goal is a crate that is small enough to ensure your puppy stays clean overnight but not too cramped to be uncomfortable. I like the Midwest iCrate for several reasons:
It comes with a divider so the crate can grow with your puppy. You can allow your puppy the full length of the crate as long as she stays clean at night. If she has accidents, move the divider to make her space smaller temporarily.
Two doors for easy access.
Single latch front door, no fumbling in the middle of the night trying to hurry and get a puppy out quickly for a midnight potty event.
Remember please use a small crate like this one mainly for sleeping quarters at night. Short periods of daytime use are OK, an hour or two tops, any longer daytime crating needs to be done in a larger space like the Iris or Richelle playpens listed below.
Best Puppy Crate for Travel
So look carefully at this nifty little crate, note the easy access top-load door, the wide opening, and the nicely squared-off proportions; I don’t want to see a narrow or round at the top kennel which means a tighter/uncomfortably constricted interior for your poor puppy.
Such a great puppy crate, useful for both travel and overnight sleeping. The door on the top is WONDERFUL! Makes it easy to lift your puppy in or out with a minimum of fuss.
What size crate should I get for my puppy?
This is such an important question and one that it’s easy to go astray on. Of course, the breed of your dog and his eventual grown-up size are considerations but keep in mind, one size doesn’t fit all. You’ll need a smaller crate for your baby dog and if, as a grownup canine (not all dogs use a crate their entire lives, it depends on your preference) if you still want to use a crate, then by all means buy a grownup size for your pet.
Next: Don’t make the common mistake of ordering a crate without carefully doing some measuring, most importantly; please don’t make your puppy stay in an undersized crate! Most of the descriptions of the proper size for purchasing a kennel are way off track. For example, I just found a listing for a 30 to FIFTY-pound dog supposedly able to fit into a 32 x 22.5 x 24-inch crate; entirely too small to be comfortable for dogs approaching 50 pounds.
When in doubt, go up a size. If your puppy uses one end to potty and the other to sleep, block off the back half of the kennel with a plastic box temporarily until he grows large enough to stop being silly and his body length uses up more of the extra space.
Too small a kennel can cause all kinds of resistance to the kennel and even make your puppy hate his crate, sometimes with good reason. You’d be claustrophobic too if someone shoved you into a space you could barely stand up in.
Your puppy should be able to stand up and have several inches of clearance without his head touching the top of the kennel. As for length, I size my puppies in a crate twice their body length. For example, my 6-pound puppies go home with a 24” long kennel. Still small enough that they don’t use it for potty time but roomy enough to be comfortable.
What kind of bed should I get for my puppy?
There are a thousand different options The short answer is, it depends. The proper bed for inside the overnight kennel needs to be:
Easily washable, accidents are going to happen. it’s a good idea to have an extra while one is in the wash.
Cozy but not too warm. Your puppy comes with his own fur coat and can get uncomfortable.
Small enough to leave a small area of the floor open in case your puppy chooses to lay on the cool plastic floor of the crate.
Easy to wash options for crate bedding.
While your puppy is just getting the basics of crate training down it’s OK to use baby blankets or other soft bedding to make accidents easier to cope with. These are lightweight and will travel quickly through the washer & dryer and back into your puppy’s crate for a fresh set of bedding.
What car seat is best for dogs? Does my dog really need a car seat?
Sadly, the answer is yes; take my word for it and save yourself and the dog you love from crashing into the dash during what might seem to you to be a minor collision
I personally know of dogs that have lost their lives when their owners had to hit the brakes in what seemed like a minor traffic incident. Paisley, a beautiful Standard Poodle died after suffering a brain hemorrhage sustained after sliding into the dash: “She slid off the seat and into the dash but I thought she was fine, we weren’t going fast at all and she climbed back up onto the seat like she was OK. Paisley died the next day from a brain hemorrhage.
Keeping your puppy safe while riding in the car is best done with a seat AND harness that allows them to stay secure as you drive and protected in case of sudden stops.
Note: You’ll be surprised how much they enjoyed an elevated seat in the car to be able to enjoy the view as they travel.
Don’t forget the Puppy Harness
A car seat for your puppy is vital but don’t forget the harness, measure your puppy carefully to get the right size, and use it every time you buckle up, don’t forget your canine companion!
Puppy Playpen
Note: Puppy supplies are getting hard to find, this Richell Pet Pen is often out of stock so I’ve included both Amazon and Chewy links to find it.
Here's my favorite daytime option for keeping your puppy contained and comfy. Large enough (36.8 x 24.2 x 26 inches) to give your puppy room for a bed on one side, and toys, food, and water dishes on the other. I have this set up in my kitchen. It's super cute, and what I love most is that it can be used without the top to give a puppy a feeling of freedom, while still keeping her safe and off the carpet! (Remember Puppy People, puppies need lots of structure and NO access to carpet until they have been "accident-free" for 5 days!)
Structure is the new puppy owner's best friend.
I tell puppy owners to create a puppy-friendly space, in a room where you can put puppy's crate (or for a playpen, LOVE the Richell pen or the IRIS Wire, a bit pricey, but everyone who see's my Richell set up in my kitchen begs to take it home!). That becomes your puppy's main area until she's reliably house trained.
Only give access to other parts of the house when your puppy has been out to potty, is presumably "empty," and tethered to a responsible human who can monitor puppy and prevent accidents.
These little treat or kibble dispensers can help make your puppy a little more content to stay in his crate. Non-toxic and good for little chewy babies!
Best Puppy Gates
These Richell gates are wonderful. They are well made, look great, and are so functional. Highly recommended to create attractive yet effective puppy containment! Use baby gates to create a safe-zone for your puppy. I suggest the kitchen or laundry room, or a family-central area that keeps puppy close to the action, but is a carpet-free zone. The fact that you'll want an area with an easy-to-clean floor, goes without saying!
So now there's no excuse for not confining your puppy to an easy to clean carpet free surface! This 192-Inch model is a carpet lifesaver!
If you have an opening that will allow a walk-through gate, even better! You'll appreciate being able to open doors with one hand. Stairs can be addressed easily, if need be, with the same sort of barrier.
These little "Ex-Pens" are WONDERFUL to have in your new puppy toolkit! I've used these from our first litter onward. Always handy when traveling to dog shows, going camping, or anytime I want puppies safe and yet able to go potty and exercise a bit. They are inexpensive and amazing! If you are potty training a new puppy, this single item will make the process go so much quicker. Young puppies are often reluctant to go potty while on the leash. Of course, that comes with time. This little pen set up in the backyard, in a shady potty-spot, works wonders. As one client recently told me "It works like a miracle!" Enough said!
I recommend a combination of these for inside and outside the house. A quick and portable option when I want to have a small exercise area that can be moved and stored with little effort.
The versions below are nice if you have an open floor plan and still want a puppy play area (YES!) that will keep your puppy happy, and not just hidden away in a dark crate, having no interaction with the rest of the family. The white version is more of a square option for tighter quarters.
The BestPet “Hammertone Finish” is a super playpen to use outdoors, it's sturdy and has a black powder-coat finish. This is my favorite outside play area for families who lack a fenced yard. Puppies benefit immensely if they are allowed to run and play, and use up puppy energy a few times a day. Note: It’s the sturdiest option, and not as portable or lightweight as the Midwest Foldable Metal Exercise Pen which is fine for small breed puppies!
Puppies that live on a leash with little or no time to just unbend, and romp to their heart's content or wear themselves out often result in puppies that chew, don't sleep well at night, and are generally more troublesome than puppies who have enjoyed daily periods of just being allowed to be dogs!"
I recommend a combination of 4 inexpensive options to help your puppy navigate through puppyhood and potty training with ease!
This size for daytime play area. Up to 3 hours at a time for small breed puppies. Larger puppies (over 10 pounds) will do better with the Iris
This size for night-time sleeping or traveling. Closed sides make it feel den-like and puppy cozy. Check the listing for the correct size for your puppy. Best suited for small breed puppies, the 19” is suitable for puppies up to 4 pounds, puppies 5 to 10 pounds need a 24” long kennel and this kennel size should be sufficient to about 20 pounds of canine. Please don’t cramp your puppy!
This works well as a larger play area and is big enough to put toys, a food and water dish and give puppy room to play when you go shopping.
I love this for an outdoor portable potty yard for larger puppies! This single tool will help make potty training so much easier!
Best Underseat Airline Carriers
Warning: You Don't want to get this one wrong!
Traveling with Fido? You'll need the RIGHT SIZE under the seat carrier. MOST of what is advertised is tooooo small for a comfortable journey for your puppy. It's no fun traveling with a cramped puppy, trust me on this one, get a large enough travel container! I've had owners rave about how much they like the Teafco Argo Petagon. I love the upscale look and rich textured fabric. It's very nicely made and looks like it came from a ritzy doggie boutique!
"We were hesitant about getting a bag that went beyond the dimensional regulations for pet carriers with Southwest Airlines, but we took the risk, as this one was "airline approved." The airline didn't hesitate to permit the bag, and most other people didn't realize that we had our dog traveling with us until we let him poke his head out of the top. I will say that the height and length of the large bag is really the max size that fits under the seat; but the width is narrow enough to allow for just enough space on either side to stretch my legs."
The Snoozer Roll Around also get's high marks if you want the ease of a pull-along dog trolley that, again, will fit nicely under the seat when you fly (read the reviews, this one requires a bit of fiddling to tuck it properly, but everyone loves it anyway!).
Remember, your puppy comes fully equipped with her own warm fluffy coat. Sometimes a smaller bed leaves room for your puppy to cool off and lay on the tray of her kennel. You'll be surprised at how often, given the choice, she'll stretch out on a surface free of warm bedding. Of course, in chilly temps, all puppies love to snuggle into a cuddly bed, but giving them options is always a good idea.
My favorite puppy training author.
Your most urgent task as a new puppy owner?
Learn everything you can about training your puppy from the right sources so you’ll have the knowhow to help you puppy navigate through her puppyhood with the least amount of drama (and frayed nerves).
Carol Lea Benjamin remains my all time favorite writer of puppy and dog training books. She's funny and so very readable. Her books are illustrated with comical canines that help keep the pages turning.
While her methods are extremely gentle and positive, she also knows that "100% Positive Dog Training" isn't always logical, or effective. Puppies need boundaries, and they need to learn about loving leadership. Carol writes with grace and wit, and she KNOWS DOGS!
Enough said. Buy her books and READ THEM!
Dog Stories for all ages.
My love for dogs and the lifetime I’ve spent with them was kindled when I was just a girl, Lad A Dog was one of the first dog story books I read, if you have a dog loving child it is a must read.
For something to peruse while you're snuggling on the couch in front of the fire with that new puppy, here are two of my favorite authors: Veterinarian James Herriot's books, set in England during the 30's and 40's, is at times hilarious, heart rending, and just great reading for animal lovers! I cannot neglect to mention Jan Karon and her Mitford series. Abounding with canine humor, I give this one 5-Stars, to one of the best storytellers in America!
Best Dog Eye Cleaner & Tear Stain Remover Combo
Best Dog Ear Cleaner & Treatment
Canned Puppy Food (only if you must!)
I’m not a fan of canned food but if you like using it, here’s one of the best on the market. Some puppies seem to exist by nibbles here and there and you might find yourself looking for a little extra enticement, most canned dog foods are truly dire in quality, Nature’s Logic is a good option and turkey is a much better choice than chicken by the way!
Puppy Training Treats: (Start with these two brands for quicker potty training results).
What are my favorite 2 treats for potty training? (And why TWO you ask?).
While I'm not a fan of poor-quality junk food for puppies, getting your puppy reliably house trained will progress so much faster with the judicious use of the right rewards.
I send sample bags of two of my favorite training aids when our puppies go home; I know there will be multiple times during the day when my puppy owners will be rewarding good behaviors and I don’t want their training to be derailed by common mistakes like using the wrong reward choices.
Each time your puppy has a successful potty event outdoors or comes when she’s called or sits on command, or resists cha oh that poor little thing put that down there and finish up before dark it will hurt them to go to bed early we need your guidance what's your favorite food updates to check for updates smart puppy owner will be encouraging those behaviors and rewarding them with something deliciously yummy.
Let’s say you are going out every hour or so during the day and the successful potty events are piling up 😃 maybe the new addition is thrilled with coming when you call or has figured out that that means quite a few edible rewards and that’s when problems can arise.
Some treats are too rich and can upset delicate puppy digestion, the last thing you want to do during house training.
Puppies can fill up quickly on snacks, just like kids, so you want to keep treat size tiny but delicious.
High-reward treats like Blue Buffalo Bits are a real puppy favorite, but I recommend alternating them with the slightly less rich PureBites liver treats to keep puppies guessing and still happy about the reward choices. This link will take you to several sizes. The 4-ounce size is sufficient for small breeds, and the 12.3 will last much longer for larger breeds.
Just remember, don't let your puppy fill up on treats, even nutritious ones. Use them sparingly as an earned reward to help speed along house training, etc.
The Blue Buffalo Bits treats are so delicious (unanimously voted #1 by our puppies!). Keep a few of them in your pocket so you’ll have them as a timely reward for all good puppy behaviors, coming when called, going potty outdoors, when you put your puppy in her playpen ect. (Like any snack, they’re filling, and at dinnertime, your puppy won’t be hungry!). These are an option that works well for the recall (and potty training!) They’re tiny, and you can keep a few in your pocket to have just at the moment you need them.
Puppy Potty Supplies
Be sure that you have a good quality stain and odor remover before puppy comes home. Rocco & Roxie make a great product. You want an enzymatic cleaner so the accident odors and stains are completely removed, not just covered over!
For those Puppy People who need an indoor potty option: If you've read my book on Puppy Training 1o1, you'll know that I'm not typically a fan of teaching a puppy to use pads in the house. I understand there are exceptions to every rule, so here are a few choices if you decide that it's necessary; in spite of the Puppy Diva's disapproval!
My Favorite Lineup of Puppy Potty Cleanup Sprays, Enzymatic Carpet Cleaners, SEP & more:
If you don’t buy anything else, get a two-pack of my favorite cleaner ever, BioKleen Bac-Out Spray, not just for pet stains, it’s my go-to for everything in the house that I want to disinfect without using Lysol or other scary toxic cleaners. Especially needed for those rash puppy people who ignore Puppy Rule #4 (Puppy is not allowed on the carpet until completely house-trained, OR briefly when "empty" and tethered to a responsible puppy attendee):
Just get a bottle! Trust me, you'll need it. It will make any indiscretions, on the part of your puppy, a thing of the past! I love this cleaner! It’s safe and powerful, leaves a pleasant fresh scent and it works!
Being Flea Free Naturally
Controlling fleas and ticks while avoiding the dangerous chemical options at your veterinarians office isn’t easy but don’t despair, it’s easier than you think with the right set of products. It’s worth the effort to avoid the scary long-term effects of monthly insecticides, for your pet’s sake, not to mention for the safety of everyone who comes in contact with them.
By the way if you think those flea drops are safe once they dry think again…
Neither of these precious little ones should ever be exposed to toxic flea control products!
"People can be exposed to Fipronil, (Frontline, Sentry etc) a suspected carcinogen when they pet an animal that’s received a treatment. Fipronil persists for at least 56 days on pets..."
Murray State University Study
Two products to keep your dog pest free naturally. So what can you do to keep your dog flea & tick-free? Start with a daily chewable supplement that provides a healthy dose of garlic. Yes, garlic is safe for your dog.
Vet’s Best Flea & Tick Home Spray I'm a big fan of Vet’s+Best products and their natural and safe options to deal with everything from mosquitoes at your barbecue, to flea and tick control on the family pets. They have a spray for your pet and another for your yard. Keep in mind, these are not nuclear weapons and will require faithful use to be the most effective.
Flea Comb
You’ll want a flea comb on hand. It's a super helpful and low-tech way to pull fleas out of your dog’s coat; you won’t know how much you need it until you don’t have one. If (when) your dog comes up with fleas, the dastardly creatures are nearly impossible to pluck away (during a bath is when you’ll want to try), this handy dandy little item will drag them screaming for their lives from your dog’s coat. What to do with them after capturing is up to you, but a mason jar filled with soapy water will send them to a watery grave. Show no mercy! : )
Best Toys for Puppies
Of course you need lots of toys for that new arrival. A good selection of toys will mean your puppy has safe options and will give your puppy both safe and fun options (perhaps instead of choosing your new area rug).
Don’t forget the plush toys, my dog adore these!
Puppy with a heartbeat Crate Training companion. Some puppies are extra lonely during crate time, this is a soothing way to comfort with the soothing sound of a heartbeat (and a soft snuggly friend to sleep with doesn’t hurt either).
Puppy Leads, Harnesses, and Collars
Let me start out by saying that I prefer a lead and collar (yes, the proper term used by the doggie pros is "LEAD").
Harnesses are popular, and I'm OK with their use, as long as we don't turn our puppies into sled dogs. Using a harness can encourage your puppy to pull, that's why we use them on horses. You don't see them pulling wagons with collars on their necks; point made!
Best Dog Grooming Tools and Doggie Deodorizer
Coconut Oil For a Beautiful Coat
A rich source of medium chain fatty acids, coconut oil reduces shedding, cures itchy skin, eliminates bad breath, and eliminates parasites naturally. It's a wonderful easy-to-use product for daily canine health!